The Ultimate Spring Bucket List (2024)

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SPU chapter.

The Groundhog has spoken and spring is here early! With all this promising good weather, I’ve found myself asking, “What can I do to thoroughly enjoy this early season?”. As the blue skies clear my seasonal depression here in cloudy Seattle, here are some activities to do so you can really take advantage of the prolonged spring season! (Don’t forget your SPF though).

  1. Informal picnic with friends or by yourself

As a low maintenance girl, this is my favorite thing to spontaneously plan. You just need some food, a blanket, and a place to enjoy. Make some chocolate covered strawberries, weave friendship bracelets, pick up takeout, bring a sketchpad or book, you can even have a cute little tea party if you want!

  1. Solo hikes/walks around a park

No matter where you live there are usually some pretty nice parks, hiking trails, or just cute neighborhoods worth exploring either by yourself with headphones on or chatting it up with friends.

  1. Find a new café with outdoor seating to study

There really is no better way to spend your time than studying outside a café, little drink in hand while being with friends. You can even invite someone you just know from class! You never know when you’ll make a new friend!

  1. Clean out closet

Change of season = change of wardrobe. One thing I like to do when cleaning out my closet is to actually try on outfits before deciding what to give away.

  1. Make a Pinterest board of activities

Pinterest boards are the answer to everything and are perfect for inspiring ideas for what you want your plans to look like this spring. Manifestation at its finest!

  1. Journaling or crafting or reading outside

We all have that one book we’ve been meaning to read but never really get around to, so springtime is the perfect opportunity to make time! Just getting yourself outside and off of screens is such a mental health boost.

  1. Experiment with different color palettes and styles with your outfits and makeup

As confusing as color theory is and what colors look best on us, take some time this spring to try a bit of everything! Find what colors and styles of clothes you like and make you feel comfortable in. But remember, confidence is always the key.

  1. Pick up a new hobby or skill

Any little thing you’ve ever wanted to be more knowledgeable about, like being able to identify different countries’ flags, shuffle cards, or learning to crochet, spring is the time of motivation to start expanding your experiences and skills.

  1. Have a maintenance day

Did someone say spring cleaning? Clean your shoes, clean your jewelry, organize your desk, wash your bedsheets, do a face/hair mask, wash all of your laundry, clean out your car, vacuum, sanitize, clean your retainer, clean your water bottle, use technology wipes, clean your headphones to name a few.

  1. Try new seasonal treats or baking with fruits

As someone who therapy-bakes, I have loved experimenting with new recipes especially with fruity, spring-feeling tarts, scones, and just your basic tea party set up food.

  1. Spruce up your living space

Add some fresh new décor to your living space to switch it up for spring. Whether its some flowers in a vase, print out pictures with friends, thrift some cute posters or fake plants.

  1. If you have a car, ride with windows down and music blaring

Safely of course, but this experience is such a cinematic feel that never fails to bring up my mood, especially when the weather is nice.

  1. Try out Lime scooters or Lime bikes

Another great way to get out and around is public (ish) transportation! These are always a fun time and can be a fairly cheap option of getting around the city.

  1. Visit farmer’s markets or flea markets

Look, even if you are a broke girl like myself, the atmosphere is fun when you are just looking around at these small businesses and handmade products, and you may find something you LOVE!

Whether you are still in school trying to finish up the year, or working hard and looking forward to the good weather, these ideas can help motivate you to go out and enjoy the beautiful world around us. Sometimes in life, it is the little things that can really make a difference in our days that keep us happily going on to the next adventure.

  • bucket list
  • spring
The Ultimate Spring Bucket List (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.